아키쓰시마 (방호순양함) in Chinese
- 秋津洲号防护巡洋舰
- "아키쓰시마" in Chinese : 秋津洲
- "다시마" in Chinese : [명사]〈식물〉 海带 hǎidài. 海带菜 hǎidàicài. 昆布 ...
- "머시마" in Chinese : [명사] ‘사내아이’的方言.
- "아키쓰시마" in Chinese : 秋津洲
- "아키시스과" in Chinese : 粒鲶科
- "아키쓰역 (도쿄도)" in Chinese : 秋津站
- "아키시마역" in Chinese : 昭岛站
- "아키쓰역 (히로시마현)" in Chinese : 安艺津站
- "아키시노노미야 히사히토 친왕" in Chinese : 悠仁亲王
- "아키씨" in Chinese : 安艺氏
- "아키시노노미야 후미히토 친왕" in Chinese : 秋篠宮文仁亲王
- "아키아 이스라엘 항공" in Chinese : 阿基亚以色列航空
What is the meaning of 아키쓰시마 (방호순양함) in Chinese and how to say 아키쓰시마 (방호순양함) in Chinese? 아키쓰시마 (방호순양함) Chinese meaning, 아키쓰시마 (방호순양함)的中文,아키쓰시마 (방호순양함)的中文,아키쓰시마 (방호순양함)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.